Maybe it's time that Christians actively get involved in politics, education, media, entertainment - not to create a "christian" version but to be light in a dark place.
Last night, during my time with the Father, I was overcome with our need for repentance. For at least 3 generations, the Body of Christ has missed it. We've huddled in our buildings singing "kumbaya" and believing that 1. We shouldn't ever be angry, 2. We don't belong in the world, and 3. God is sovereign so everything that happens is His will so let's just sing our hymns on Sunday, say GBY, and make sure we are comfortable.
1. There is a place for righteous anger - it has to do with keeping our hearts pure - but there IS a place for anger! (not human anger)
2. We are to live and move and have our being - being involved in every facet of society and standing FIRM for righteousness and truth. Loving people with the love of God - not with a wimpy faux love that says people can do whatever they want and we let them get away with it because we're too concerned about our comfort and what people think of us. Being in the world doesn't mean starting a "christian" business or making "testaMINTS" and stupid stuff like that. We do business and invite Jesus into our business. We make movies and invite Holy Spirit to guide our ideas. We get involved in politics and education and media and invite the Father's will to be done. And when the enemy tries to shove his way into our sphere of influence, we cast him out in the name of Jesus!
3. God IS sovereign but not like most people think. I hate it when people say, "well, God is sovereign so His will always happens". No, it won't. That's garbage. Study your Bible. God gave MANKIND (and yes, that means men and women - there are only 2 genders and they are equal) ALL AUTHORITY on this earth. We gave the authority to satan and then Jesus took the authority back and gave it back to us, as his Body. That means...WE make our choices. We can give our authority to satan anytime. He has none on his own. He must convince people, through lies and deception, to hand over their authority. He's a bully. In order for God's will to be done, we must line up our will with His. We must pray, "God your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" because this is what the Bible means "what you bind in heaven will be bound on the earth, what you loose in heaven will be loosed on the earth". In the end, God's will IS done and He is sovereign because He will send Jesus back and then that's it.
For now, we have authority on this earth and we don't understand that and we aren't using it so it's time that those who say they are in Christ to act like it:
Invite Holy Spirit to infiltrate your thoughts
Invite Jesus into your day
Learn your authority and exercise it
Stop hiding from the world
Do everything possible to bring back God's word into our schools, government, businesses, media, etc (not a weak, arrogant religion but the POWER of the true word of God)
Stop all our religious "programs" and get involved in the community
Cancel the "christian" culture and be ye holy while being in the world!
Stop selling Jesus like if you believe in him all your problems are solved and life is great. That's not the gospel. Believe in Jesus because He loves you, died for you, and is inviting you into a relationship with him (literally to be married to him). A relationship that involves giving up your life. It involves loneliness, rejection, being mocked, misunderstood, doing nothing of your own will, facing difficulties, persecutions, losing friends. It tough! So why would anyone want to be in a relationship with Jesus? Because, as Peter says, "You have the words of life. Where would we go?" Jesus is worth anything we face here, plus he said he overcomes the world. Paul reminds us that our troubles on earth are light & momentary COMPARED to the eternal glory of heaven.
If you are in Christ, earth is your "hell". If you are not in Christ, earth is your heaven so live it up because it's about to get REALLY bad. (think about this)
But choose Jesus for who he is, not because of the benefits you think you'll get. We sell christianity based on the benefits and "fire insurance" but John 17:3 makes it very clear that salvation is that we KNOW (like a husband/wife) God and Jesus.
The Bible warns that many will think they are saved but they are not. You may have lived decades thinking you are a nice Christian and you go to church all the time.
You may be a Christian, but you might not be intimate with Jesus and the Father and therefore do not qualify for salvation. (Hint: salvation is based on relationship, not a mental assent to facts/ belief system). So test yourselves and come to Jesus because he's lovely and wants you. But before you can truly receive Jesus, you must prepare your heart. Read the book of John and meditate on the purpose of John the Baptist and the baptism of repentance. Our hearts must be prepared through repentance BEFORE we can be united with Jesus.
And be like Jesus, who didn't do or say anything unless the Father told him to.
I've been away for some time. Major changes. Launched a new business (, lots of personal I'm ready to connect with other Kingdom entrepreneurs for a mastermind/mentoring group. The Locals platform is where this will be hosted.
If you are a business owner that is looking to improve your business skills while first being rooted and grounded in the things of the Kingdom of God and desire to fine tune your ear and heart to the voice of the Father, then reach out.
This group will be free at this time but limited to 5 participants. I will act as a FACILITATOR - not an instructor. The goal is for everyone to contribute and learn from each other.
Email me at [email protected] if interested.
I'm a very introspective person. Even the littlest things I encounter in my day cause me to ponder and think deeply. This can be a drain on my emotions. The Psalms of King David are so relatable to me because one day I can be standing firm, confident, and shouting the praises of God, and the next day wondering why I'm even living - but I also come back to I praise God anyway in the midst of my darkest questions.
Mondays are intended to be reserved for study of the Word and time in His Presence. But my best intentions often get bushed back with pending issues with the business. Yet this morning, I was determined to reclaim my Mondays, and as I sit here with my Bible, pen, and paper - a thought fluttered by about all the work I could be doing and I quickly swatted it down because I NEED THIS DAY TO BE A BETTER ME. I need this day to do business better, to interact with family, friends, and customers with grace and mercy.
How profoundly it hit me that to care for our spirit and soul is of ...