Kingdom Women In Marketplace
Spirituality/Belief • Business
Wise women of God and successful women in business.
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I'm sure you're like me: every day I get spam emails, messages, and phone calls. It's exhausting and they keep avoiding the spam filters. Today I was irritated and started to send an email back to take up THEIR time with unwanted email. Then, I thought, hey....if they are opening the door for communication then I'm going to take advantage of this to give them words of life. Yes, this is one way of trying to annoy a spammer but I might as well use it to spread the gospel. 😁 So, I created an email and saved a copy in my desktop notes. That way, with each spammer to my business wanting to help me with my website, marketing, social media or whatever - I'll copy and paste my message. 😂

What do you do with spammers? What do you think of this idea? I've pasted the text of the email I created today below. If you want to use it, go ahead. But if you like the idea, I encourage you to create your own template for when those pesky spammers reach your inbox!


Dear _________,

We all are trying to build our business, but to build a successful business, INTEGRITY needs to be at the core. When we play outside of the rules (spam is bad & illegal), God will not bless the work of our hands. While your random (SPAM) email is unappreciated, I forgive you. The good news is...

God forgives you, too, if you repent.

And God WANTS to bless you and the work that you do, if you are one of His children. It’s not true that everyone is His child. No, only those who are in Jesus Christ become the children of God. Jesus preached repentance in order to prepare the way for Kingdom of God. Why would we want to align ourselves with Jesus and His Kingdom?

As you’ve probably experienced, all that this world has to offer is empty and unfulfilling.

The “blessings” of this world don’t fulfill and are attached with sorrows. The Bible says that God adds blessings without sorrows. Jesus said that we would be mocked, falsely accused and encounter many trials when we choose to follow Him, love Him. So why would people choose to be misunderstood, canceled, harassed, made fun of for someone we can’t see with our eyes??

Because Jesus has the words of life.

In spite of all the trials and not fitting in with the world, there is a family (albeit imperfect) of God that shares in the love of Jesus and the depth of joy and peace found IN the storms and trials. Then you realize that the trials that Jesus said He overcame, can’t really touch you unless you let it. And thereby, you enter in a depth of blessing, prosperity, peace and joy that is unexplainable; perfected in Jesus, who loves you with such intensity that some days it’s hard to bear that the maker of the universe loves you so perfectly.

John 17:3 says, “[Jesus prayed] And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ who You have sent.”

This is beyond head knowledge. It the knowing that comes from believing by faith that God IS - and He is a rewarder of those who seek Him (Hebrews 11:6) and that the Father sent Jesus Christ, who is also God in human flesh.

Ephesians 1 clearly says that God thought of you, before the foundations of the world and breathed you into existence. He has a plan and purpose for you but you must first come to believe and abide in Jesus to walk out all that He has destined for you.

God loved you first and desires that you know Him. Will you love Him back? Will you believe in Jesus, Yeshua, the Messiah? He is the Promised One. God with Us. The Word made flesh. The Anointed One. Ancient of Days. Will you repent and then confess to Jesus that you believe in Him? He wants to have intimacy with you.

Go get a Bible and search it out to know Jesus better. Ask Him to bless your business and give you ideas of how to grow your business with integrity.

Amen. Hallelujah.

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I've been away for some time. Major changes. Launched a new business (, lots of personal I'm ready to connect with other Kingdom entrepreneurs for a mastermind/mentoring group. The Locals platform is where this will be hosted.

If you are a business owner that is looking to improve your business skills while first being rooted and grounded in the things of the Kingdom of God and desire to fine tune your ear and heart to the voice of the Father, then reach out.

This group will be free at this time but limited to 5 participants. I will act as a FACILITATOR - not an instructor. The goal is for everyone to contribute and learn from each other.

Email me at [email protected] if interested.

What Do You Need To Be The Best You?

I'm a very introspective person. Even the littlest things I encounter in my day cause me to ponder and think deeply. This can be a drain on my emotions. The Psalms of King David are so relatable to me because one day I can be standing firm, confident, and shouting the praises of God, and the next day wondering why I'm even living - but I also come back to I praise God anyway in the midst of my darkest questions.
Mondays are intended to be reserved for study of the Word and time in His Presence. But my best intentions often get bushed back with pending issues with the business. Yet this morning, I was determined to reclaim my Mondays, and as I sit here with my Bible, pen, and paper - a thought fluttered by about all the work I could be doing and I quickly swatted it down because I NEED THIS DAY TO BE A BETTER ME. I need this day to do business better, to interact with family, friends, and customers with grace and mercy.
How profoundly it hit me that to care for our spirit and soul is of ...

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Today's wisdom from Proverbs 13:11 and 2 Kings 4

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